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Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for September 14, 2024

All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.
Acquiring a new house or shop is possible for some. Reducing expenses and increasing savings may be on your mind. Maintaining daily routine will help you in keeping good health. Taking up a hobby or an interesting pastime is indicated. Chasing your dream with renewed energy is the need of the hour on the academic front. Profits accrue for those involved in business. This is a good time to book an apartment or a flat.
Love Focus: Lover will be most understanding and will support you in everything.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Cream
Some of you may decide to join a health club or fitness regimen. Flashing credit cards and splurging is likely to give a high to the moneybags. On the work front, you are likely to exceed the expectations of higher ups. Expect an enjoyable outing with family today. Spending time with family is indicated and promises to provide immense joy. You will be able to cut on time in travelling to a distant destination by taking a better route. Property gives good returns.
Love Focus: Mutual love and respect will strengthen your current relationship.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Magenta
You will put in efforts to maintain good health. Your progress remains satisfactory on the academic front. Getting together the financial support required by someone may prove an uphill task. Family life remains most satisfying and fulfilling. It is better to hold your horses in a negotiation, if you want to brighten the chances to win the deal. In a problem at work, it will be helpful to review things from a fresh perspective. An opportunity to travel to another city may come to you.
Love Focus: Lover will be loving and caring, and make you happy.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Brown
Luck favours you on the academic front. Financially, you remain on a strong wicket, so splurge to your heart’s content! An exciting time in a family function is on the anvil for some. Health-wise, you remain fit. Professionals are likely to feel pleased with what they have achieved. Much enjoyment is foreseen in a short journey outside the city. Good returns can be expected by those investing in property.
Love Focus: Your inner voice will be the best guide on the romantic front.
Lucky Number:11
Lucky Colour: Orange
Positive results are likely for those who have taken up an exercise regimen. You will do well to return to the academic grind, as time is ticking away. Taking up pending issues at work is important. The loan you have applied for may be sanctioned soon. The family will remain attentive to your needs. Plans for a vacation to someplace exotic fructify. Investing in property now will be a step in the right direction.
Love Focus: Mutual attraction promises to start a budding romance.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Today, you are likely to find yourself full of energy and verve. You will find yourself in a better frame of mind to deal with an official matter. A fulfilling day is foreseen on the academic front. Fun time with friends or relations cannot be ruled out. A financial bonanza can be expected by some. The day seems good on the domestic front as family will be at its best behaviour in trying to please you! A new property acquired by you will start giving good monetary returns.
Love Focus: Share your feelings with the one you love to lighten your mind.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: White
At work, your mere presence will be enough to infuse confidence in higher ups. Shifting to a new location on transfer is indicated for some and will prove favourable. Your actions at home may not find approval of a family elder.
An overseas trip is likely to leave you with fond memories and make you yearn for more. Good opportunities will keep you in a financially secure position. Setting up a new house is likely for some.
Love Focus: Positive signals on the love front will keep you in an upbeat mood.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Peach
Stars favour travel and those planning an overseas or an out of town trip are in for a great time. Financially, you remain secure. It is time you realised your responsibilities and act accordingly in a family situation. Taking up an exercise regimen is possible on the health front. Appreciation comes to you for something achieved on the professional front. A property deal may soon be signed. Positive thoughts promise positive influence on your immediate environment.
Love Focus: You may take special pains to spend quality time with the beloved today.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Pink
An important project or assignment you had been hoping for comes your way on the professional front. A new workout regime will serve your purpose excellently. Luck is likely to favour you on the financial front and bring in money. Family will be most supportive in whatever you are doing. A chance for overseas travel may come to you. There is a likelihood of shifting to a new house or a new city for some. A treat is in store for some on the social front.
Love Focus: Your romantic endeavours will prove fruitful and get you close to the one you desire.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Dark Blue
Your new initiative will prove effective in coming back in shape. Purchase or development of property is on the cards for some. Spirituality may bring a special meaning to your life. A vacation may materialise and prove most enjoyable. Some of you can expect good advice from someone close on an important matter. A business tour will prove most fruitful and will bring exciting business opportunities your way. Financial front promises to remain ever so strong.
Love Focus: Spending quality time with lover is indicated today.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Cream
An excellent investment opportunity comes your way that promises financial security. Regular routine will keep you fit. Your expertise is likely to get you some good breaks on the professional front. Your guidance will help a family member achieve his or her dreams. Those on a vacation may get to see some new places. Selling property at this juncture seems profitable. Someone may expect a helping hand from you on the social front.
Love Focus: Attracting someone from the opposite camp is possible, so expect your love life to rock!
Lucky Number:2
Lucky Colour: Silver
Good financial management will help ward off an impending financial crunch. Chances of bagging a lucrative assignment look real, so keep at it. An addition to the family may bring oodles of happiness on the home front. An exercise regime will ensure fitness. A lot of enjoyment is in store for those planning a vacation. Day seems favourable for builders and property dealers. Fun time is foreseen for those spending time with friends today.
Love Focus: Romantic life gets a boost, as you leave no stone unturned to make it exciting.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Red
